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  • Anzeigen-ID: 937
  • Zugriffe: 520
  • Hinzugefügt: 06. Februar 2025

Peregrine falcons




I am selling a male peregrine falcon, he will be 3 years old this spring. 100% imprinted. He is already showing the first sings of breeding. Will donate seemen.

I flew him on crows at start, now it flies 500m od drone. He is youngster of the pair in the photo.


I am collecting reservations for this years young peregrines from the couple in the photo.


For sale is a 2 year old female bred in an aviary with, the parents in the photo. Hunts seagulls and gray herons on 970g.  Because only 2 photos are allowed on this ad I can send you photo by mail.

You can see both falcons hunting at my place until the end of February. This are northeren European falcons.


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I am from Slovenia 



                 Tomaz Bohinc



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Bliedunger Straße 12 - 99752 Bleicherode OT Friedrichsthal


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